
Residential Ensemble Baggersand, Travemünde

Right next to the river Trave, 72 new apartments were constructed as part of a development project.

ProjectNew Construction of an Apartment Ensemble with 72 Apartments and an Underground Car Park
ClientNeue Lübecker eG
DesignGewers Pudewill
Scope of WorkBuilding Planning Work Phases 1-4
Size6.800 qm
TeamArchitect in Charge Georg Gewers
PhotographerLinus Lintner

Travemünde is an area of the city Lübeck that was founded in 1187 and registered as an official beach resort in 1802. Today, Travemünde with its 14.000 inhabitants is experiencing dynamic growth which creates the need for new housing. As part of a cooperative development project, four clients with four separate architects constructed a new apartment ensemble under the oversight of the city Lübeck right next to the habor.

The aim was to create a diverse, high-quality living space that also has a strong connection to its surroundings whilst creating individual indentification within the ensemble due to the different designs created by the different architects. The individual style and ornamental details further serve to enforce this idea.

The basic concept of using brick as facade material, an appropriate maximum height for the buildings, the joint underground car park as well as the common yard that connects all the individual buildings, show the connectedness within the ensemble without giving up individuality.