

A location on the water to love. Centogene AG has had global success in producing genetic diagnostic tests for the analysis of rare congenital diseases. Due to the rapid growth of the company, which was originally founded as a spin-off of the University of Rostock, a new building for 220 employees was planned and completed.

ProjectNew office building with genetic diagnostic center
ClientCentogene AG, Rostock
DesignGewers Pudewill
Scope of workBuilding planning work phase 1-8
6-8 in cooperation with BAL Bauplanung und Steuerung
Size12,200 sqm
AwardRostock Architecture Award 2018, Winner Iconic Awards 2018, Special Mention German Design Award 2019
TeamArchitects in charge Ulf Griesel, Tilman Richter-von Senfft
VisualisationOliver Börsch

The new structure with characteristically tiered buildings is located on an attractive waterfront property on the Rostock Silo peninsula next to an old shipyard. Standing on an irregular five-pointed floorplan, one can look up to four above-ground floors. The ground floor is situated on a podium, which is reached per free-standing stairs. Visitors and employees first enter a green atrium, flanked on both sides by water. The two adjoining buildings have also been designed so that they offer all employees a view of the water.

On the third floor is an x-shaped element, which creates special terraces, all of which have a view of the water. This in turn makes an optical reference to the slipways of the former boatyards. The facade consists of a rich, dark base with finely structured metal elements in warm copper tones, which elegantly wrap the structure. The building was awarded the Rostock Architectural Prize in 2018.